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Workshops > Health Skills

Mental Health First Aid Training Certification   

Mental Health First Aid is an empirically-backed public education and prevention tool – it improves the public’s knowledge of mental health and connects people with care. Similar to traditional First Aid and CPR, Mental Health First Aid provides mental health crisis intervention until professional treatment is obtained or the crisis resolves. Mental Health First Aid trainees include school personnel, law enforcement, faith-based communities, hospital and nursing home staff, families and young people. Trainees go through an 8-hour training program that teaches them a five-step action plan to assess a situation, select and implement appropriate interventions, and secure appropriate care. Trainees also learn risk factors and warning signs of mental illness and about available mental health treatments. Upon completion, participants better understand the impact mental illness has on a person, their family and communities. All 8 hours must be attended to receive the Mental Health First Aid Certification.



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